Legal Notice

Conditions of use of the Pago Casa Gran website (the “website”)

The website is owned by Pago Casa Gran, S.L., a Spanish company domiciled in Venta San Cristobal s-n, Mogente, with tax identification number ES-B97476360 and registered in the Commercial Registry of Valencia: volume 7863, book 5158, folio 182, sheet V-98169.

Use of the website is subject to the following conditions. Please read them carefully. Your access to the website and use of its content means that you have read and agreed to them.

1.- Conditions of use

1.1 Pago Casa Gran has prepared the material on the website for information purposes only.

1.2 The links on the website may direct you to other websites managed by third parties, over which Pago Casa Gran has no control. Pago Casa Gran is not responsible for the content or the state of these websites, and access to them via the website or application does not mean that Pago Casa Gran recommends or approves their content.

2.- Limitation of liability

2.1 You use the website at your own risk. Pago Casa Gran does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in their content or any other content that may be accessed through them. Pago Casa Gran does not assume liability for any damage arising from using the website, or for actions carried out based on its information.

2.2 Pago Casa Gran does not guarantee absence of virus or other elements that could damage or alter your computer system, electronic documents or files. Therefore, Pago Casa Gran does not accept liability for any damage that these elements could cause you or third parties.

3.- Data protection

3.1 Pago Casa Gran will treat all information you provide when registering for promotional events or sending forms with utmost confidentiality: in the case of promotional events, it will exclusively use this information to handle your registration request and send you information about future events, and, in the case of forms, to submit the requested information.

3.2 In line with article 22 of the Act on Information Society Services, Pago Casa Gran can store cookies in users’ terminal equipment, provided these have given their consent after having received clear and comprehensive information about their use. Users can access information on the purpose of the cookies’ installation and uses in the firm’s Cookies policy.

This will not prevent technical storage or access for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network or, if necessary, for the provision of an information society service requested by the user.

3.3 When you are asked to provide personal data to access the services on this website, you will be informed that some of this is essential. If you do not provide it, these services cannot be rendered.

3.4 You may exercise your rights to access, correct, delete or oppose data by sending a request by email to or by post to any of the addresses mentioned at the top of this document. Your request must include your name and surname, address for correspondence, photocopy of national identity card or passport, and details of the right exercised.



Cookies and similar technologies policy

The user is informed that this website uses cookies and similar technologies. Cookies are small data files installed in the user’s device that make it possible to store information about user page activities. Specifically, cookies enable this website to access, among other data, the following information:

The last date and time the user viewed the website.
The content layout the user selected when it first visited the website.
Security factors involved in controlling access to restricted areas. The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the relevant option in its browser.

Cookies enable the website, among others, to store and retain information about users’ browsing habits or devices and, depending on the information contained in the devices and the activities performed on them, they can be used to recognize a user.

The website uses the following third-party cookies:


Cookies and similar technologies management

Users can customize the installation of cookies during the website settings process and are aware that disabling cookies and similar technology can affect the normal use of the website and of the services provided.

To disable cookies, users must follow the instructions of each browser. For example:

This website uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more here. / Desarrollado por G2 Disseny